Reading in the book The Furious Longing on God by Brennan Manning I cam upon many bits of truth and chunks of truth and whole veins of Truth which can be mined!
One thing said over and over is that God loves everyone good, bad, pure, and evil because God IS love.The God that Jesus introduced to us is Love John 4:16 God is Love.
If the God that we are to serve and pour out our every devotion to is Love then how can we do anything but love others?
We can feel sickened by their actions, we can be aghast at their actions, but we MUST love them if we are truly the sons and daughters of God.
Yes the liberals who disagree with our thinking, we must LOVE them! The radicals who try to target Christian businesses in attempts to get them to refuse their business. We must LOVE them.
The members of ISIS that commit atrocities, God loves them! We can do nothing less!
Its not easy,its not something that we can explain. We must simply love.
One story that was written said this, The ones who spent their entire lives trying to serve God were waiting outside the gates of heaven, when they heard a rumor that God was going to forgive the worst sinners in the world and let them into Heaven, maybe even before them. They began to be angry, to fuss and fight and then, in their anger they cursed God. that was their judgement, they Cursed God and condemned themselves to eternity without God, They condemned themselves even to hell.
If we fail to Love, then we are condemning ourselves to Hell.
We as the children of the Living God, MUST Love!
my peace I give unto you.