Monday, November 9, 2015


Note: These are some notes from last Sundays sermon.. so I apologize if they are not clear... ask me what I meant if it's not clear!

Offended. Offending, offensive...
Being Offended is not a cool thing.. According to John Bevere in “The Bait of Satan” the word offense means bait.

ok I like definitions so:
offense: annoyance or resentment brought about by a perceived insult to or disregard for oneself or one's standards or principles.

wow a PERCEIVED insult or perceived disregard… hmmm what sort of perceptions do you have to have for this to happen?

Bait:food used to entice fish or other animals as prey.  or deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).

so when we “take offense” we are really taking the bait by choosing to perceive some wrong doing. or annoyance.

Face it most of us get annoyed over stupid things… Starbucks “red cup season” anyone? please! but what does that mean?  If we are offended then we are NOT looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. how can I say that.. well perception: a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression. or of using our senses to beware of something… if we are looking only to Him then how can we look at others and be offended by what they do or don’t do or say?

Seriously, is it possible?
 can I be offended with someone if I am looking at them through Jesus’ eyes? 

You know what? it doesn’t matter if what someone says is wrong… or if what they do is wrong, or where they are going is wrong… I have to look at them with the love of Jesus. See God didn’t give us the permission to judge others, he gave us a directive to love one another. In fact he went so far as to say “by this shall they know you are my disciples, that you love one another”  How can we assume that it’s ok for us to be offended?

Now I will say this, Jesus through the Holy Spirit, will convict people of wrong doing. Jesus will redirect people, Jesus will guide people… my job is to love people and in loving them lift the name of Jesus so that all people will be drawn to him.

Now back to offense and bait...
Bait is something that we want!  We want that juicy bit of information, that tasty treat of insider news, that little snack of personal information… it doesn’t matter what it is, bait is something that we are looking for… if we don’t have our eyes on Jesus. We will see the bait, take the bait and SLAM caught in the trap! then we are offended at someone, because of what they did, or didn’t do, at Jesus because he didn’t keep us out of the trap, etc...

However… I’m reminded of a story about REv. James Wright. At Maranatha Fellowship in St. Albans, WV he had one of his parishioners bring in a dozen or so still-jaw traps. The kind used to catch animals for the fur trade, maybe some bear traps, I don’t know but they were all nasty. You wouldn’t want to get your hand or foot caught in them.  They put those traps all over the platform, you could walk through them if you knew how to sep and where to put your feet.  Then Rev. Wright called for young boy, 4 or 5 maybe to come up on the platform. Rev. Wright was on one side then the traps in the middle and the boy on the other side. 

Rev Wright asked the boy if he trusted him. The boy said yes...

Rev. Wright had someone blindfold the boy, and turn him around like in blind mans bluff...
He then told the boy, remember its dangerous between you and me, but I am going to talk you through the traps till you get to my side.  
The congregation gasped and said no, pastor, you can’t...
Rev Wright asked the boy, “ Would it be easier to get across if someone held your hand and walked you through?”  The boy nodded, Rev Wright said how about if that someone was your daddy? and the boy smiled and nodded, his daddy had placed all the traps… Then Rev Wright said, how about if he carries you to me?  The Daddy had come up and and this point picked the little boy up and carried him through the traps to Pastor wright who then hugged and kissed him, and assured the congregation that he wouldn’t have had him walk through the traps EVER it was an example!

God wants us to walk past the bait which will get us caught in the traps of the enemy. Offense is that bait, we get offended and then we are stuck at that point of offense, much like a wild animal is caught in a trap, we can’t escape… if we try to escape ourselves we have to gnaw off a foot.. it hurts, it’s painful and most of us can’t imagine doing that so we lay there trying not to focus on the pain caused by the trap that we got caught in because of some stupid offense.   God wants to talk us through the traps, but He knows we can’t make it.. he knows that we have to have someone to hold out hand… or better yet to carry us. Jesus can see the traps plainly, he can walk through them without getting caught, and He is willing to carry us so that we will be safe.. we simply have to trust him!

In this day and age its SO easy to get offended politics, religion, money, money and politics, health, morality, ideology, sports, people even get offended over which Americas Got talent act is best or got more votes. 

Offence is everywhere.. there is so much of it that you would think that the traps would be all gummed up.. but when we get offended, we are stuck… as I said before stuck right there we can’t move on no matter how we try. we are injured, and chained to the spot where the one who set the trap can come at his leisure and kill us...

Part of the problem with offense is that once we have taken the bait once.. we tend to take it again and again and again… we tend to simply eat ourselves full of the bait and that just makes us sicker and sicker...

so what do we do?  how do we NOT be offended? on one hand it’s simple, on the other it’s VERY hard.

If we can keep our eyes on Jesus, then we won’t be hungry because He will feed us, we won’t get caught by the bait of offense we will be too focused on Him. This is hard. the “real” world tends to throw us under the buss, people do things that anger us that make us legitimately upset, or angry. legitimate because it’s something that they do TO us… at us or whatever…  however, Jesus wants us to Love one another.  

ok you say, but he said by this shall men know that YOU are my disciples that you love one another… true if someone isn’t his disciple then how can we love them?  The old testament said and Jesus reaffirmed “Love your neighbor as yourself “ is the second greatest commandment! see we must love our neighbors. it’s hard to say something nasty about someone you love. It’s hard to do something mean to someone you love, it’s hard to accuse someone you love of wrong doing.. in other words if you love, then you will have a very difficult time getting offended. If you are eating the fruit of the spirit then that old dried up chunk of cheese or stinky piece of rotten meat doesn’t look nearly as enticing, and you simply avoid the trap!

so remember, offense is a choice. We take the bait and then we are stuck. The devil wants us stuck so that we aren’t following Jesus...

Now one more thing, if you find yourself in a place of offense… it’s hard, the only thing you can do is to forgive those who you are offended at… you don’t have to say anything to them. chances are they don’t know they offended you. However forgive them, and then climb into Jesus arms and let Him carry you past the traps and pitfalls.

My peace I give to you!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Older Blog entries people might find useful

I wanted to link to some of my older blog articles particularly from an old blog called "My Internet is down!"
Here are a few articles that I think are fairly useful. please feel free to read them and comment either on the articles themselves, or on this blog entry!

Tools for the Average Person
Web Providers vs. ISP
Hey! That's MY Wifi!
Ethernet vs. Crossover
What to do when you call for help!
Put Twitter to good use.

I also post periodically to Greer Church Without Walls 

I just wanted to share some of my other writings with anyone who might be interested.

My Peace I give to you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What does it mean to be ... me?

No one really knows what it means to be me.  Im not even sure that I know. Which is rather disconcerting.  I have been watching the first season of a show called Dark Matter  (I have been watching on NetFlix so I'm uncertain what network it airs on). In this show the crew wakes up to a damaged ship, failing life support, and absolutely no memories. None of them know their names, their identities etc. Their personalities remain, and their instincts, just not usable memories. One crew member, the youngest who was a stow-away, has dreams of other peoples memories, and through these dreams bits and pieces of who they are comes through.

the interesting thing is, these people have a chance at becoming someone totally new, being someone honest, good, etc. but as they discover that they are all wanted criminals their personalities begin to bend more to the expectations of others than to who they truly are.

There are folks who face the unknown in themselves and truly want to be better people with a new start.

I wonder if I need a new start?  Sometimes I wonder who I am what I'm doing where I am.. not literally.. but metaphysically.  I know what I am called to and I know that I love my family. I'm just trying to figure out the rest... be patient with me.. maybe I'm metamorphosing into something better... hopefully not worse.

My peace I give you.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Family Ties vs IDeals

Some of us are fortunate to have families that agree with our ideologies, and some don't. On the other hand some of us have to deal with family that is diametrically opposed to our own ideas.

But no matter what, family is family. We love them, we hate them we fight them but we also relate to them... and we are related to them!

Relatives are mirrored images of ourselves. In some ways some are broken some are whole and you know what.. we love them all.

When you look in a mirror you see yourself... but reversed. in fact most of us, if we see a flipped reflection of ourselves don't recognize our own face.

That is what the point is... we can't recognize ourselves. We don't know who we are, we don't know where we are... we simply have to watch and learn.

My peace I give to you

Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Blog might make you hate me...

 I was reading an interesting article today, it was actually a transcript of a sermon preached by an evangelical, conservative pastor who graduated from Liberty University, one of the most conservative Christian Colleges around.

He had listened to the Speech given by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and in listening he heard him say a lot of things that sounded a lot like John the Baptist.

In fact he started saying things that sounded a lot like Jesus too.

Now you probably know I am a pretty conservative guy at least in theology and traditionally in politics. But I'm coming to see that political conservatism doesn't equal Christian Conservatism, and for the most part political conservatives aren't very nice people. Now don't get all in an uproar. Fiscal conservatives want to be reasonable with money... they want to know how things are going to be payed for BEFORE we spend the money... and that makes a lot of sense.  But then I realized, Jesus never considered the cost, he just did, and the cost was taken care of.

I suppose when you know that you are going to be paying the ultimate price the minor costs don't really matter. So that means we as Christians don't have... hmmm wait a second.. arn't we supposed to lay down our lives for a brother?   Didn't jesus say that in that day he will say I was hungry and you fed me I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was cold and you clothed me  homeless and you sheltered me... and the ones he says that to will say Lord? When? I don't remember seeing you. Sure I made sure that everyone could get to a doctor, yeah I did my best to make sure that no children went hungry, I tried to provide housing for everyone.. I welcomed immigrants, I didn't care if they were legal or illegal or had the same creed as me... but Lord, I don't remember seeing you. I was looking, but I never saw you.   Then Jesus will say when you did it to the least of one of these, you did it to me!  

The others will say, Lord we gave money to the missionaries, we took up donations for the poor, we built huge churches filled with thousands of people who we tried to fit to the mold to be just like me, uhm I mean you, and I did it all for you. Then Jesus will say get out of here I never knew you.

Do I have to be politically correct? no,but I should be polite. Do I have to let people walk all over me? no, but I should turn the other cheek..  You realize that when businesses or people who are proclaimed people of faith are attacked by the world... if they had been doing all those things Jesus did, then there would be FAR more people coming to their aid and defense than those going against them.  who would it be? the Conservative candidate? no it will be the people who they helped who they fed and sheltered and provided for
they will say, no this person is more like God than anyone I have seen...

One more thing, and my time will be WAY over... 'The Communist Manifesto' by Karl Marx  has a very unusual parallel, one that most people will really flip a lid over when I say it. The design document for communism, could have been copied chapter and verse from the second chapter of Acts.. with one MAJOR exception  communism denies God while the second chapter of Acts is all about being Christ like.

Where does that leave us?  hmmm well I'm not as conservative as I thought I was at least not socially, if I want to be a Christian and be Christ like, then I really can't be.   That doesn't mean I agree with the left, it means I want to walk according to the word of God and not in the way of sinners. I want to listen with the ears of Christ, and not with my own fingers plugging my own ears. I want to look with eyes of compassion, like Jesus did when he looked at Jerusalem and wept. When I reach out my hand I want do it like Jesus did when he healed the blind, lifted the worshipful, blessed the loaves. When I walk I want it to be in the footsteps of Jesus.

What does all that mean?  Come with me, lets find out.

My peace I give to you.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

God is Love

Reading in the book The Furious Longing on God by Brennan Manning I cam upon many bits of truth and chunks of truth and whole veins of Truth which can be mined!

One thing said over and over is that God loves everyone good, bad, pure, and evil because God IS love.The God that Jesus introduced to us is Love John 4:16 God is Love.

If the God that we are to serve and pour out our every devotion to is Love then how can we do anything but love others?

We can feel sickened by their actions, we can be aghast at their actions, but we MUST love them if we are truly the sons and daughters of God.

Yes the liberals who disagree with our thinking, we must LOVE them! The radicals who try to target Christian businesses in attempts to get them to refuse their business. We must LOVE them.

The members of ISIS that commit atrocities, God loves them! We can do nothing less!

Its not easy,its not  something that we can explain. We must simply love.

One story that was written said this, The ones who spent their entire lives trying to serve God were waiting outside the gates of heaven, when they heard a rumor that God was going to forgive the worst sinners in the world and let them into Heaven, maybe even before them. They began to be angry, to fuss and fight and then, in their anger they cursed God. that was their judgement, they Cursed God and condemned themselves to eternity without God, They condemned themselves even to hell.

If we fail to Love, then we are condemning ourselves to Hell.

We as the children of the Living God, MUST Love!

my peace I give unto you.