Wednesday, August 27, 2014


For some reason today I have been aggrivated ALL day.. ever since I woke up.. early. I have been irritated...
don't ask me why. I don't know.. it's best when I'm in this mood... to just stay out of my way. I try not to say too much else I wil bite someones head off.

Ugly, but true.

I'm not even going to blog for 5 minutes... in case I say something I shouldn't.

His peace I give to you,, cause mine is lacking at the moment...


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Who I Am vs What I SAY I AM

When we are out in the world and someone says, "Who are you?" How do we answer?  Do we say, I am a child of God!  That's true, if we are a child of God. I could say I'm Jonathan Wagner.  That's true. I could say I am a father, pastor, programmer, teacher, student. Again, true.

Hmmmm, how do we answer?  When the temple guards came ot the garden to arrest Jesus and take him to trial before the Sanheedren they asked him who he was. His answer?  "I am, that I AM"  When he said it they all fell to the ground.  Lets look at that...

I am  simple introduction.. the same as any of my answers above  "THAT I am"  I think he emphasized the THAT. He was referring to the old testament where God said I AM.

See the word became flesh and dwelt among us.  But it was still the same word. He was and is THAT I AM.

We have to remember that if we have the Holy Ghost in our hearts, then we have THAT I AM inside of us. guiding us, directing us, helping us!

My time is up.
My peace I give to you

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wait... Wait... Hurry Up... Wait some more...

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it seems like all we do in life is wait? well remember the old quote, "good things come to those who wait."    It's true often, but I'll tell you what.. sometimes waiting on something is the worst. It's actually not the waiting it's the surge of expectation when you get almost to the end of the waiting. When someone says, it's almost ready, and whatever it is takes another hour, another day another month, another year, another lifetime.

If we aren't careful we will put our trust not in God but in how we understand things SHOULD be. How we thinks things OUGHT to be, the Way that someone told us things ARE. Instead of listening to that small voice and just resting.

How much better off would we be when waiting if we would simply lay down and sleep or better yet, look for opportunities to reach out to others?  How much better would the world be if people could learn to wait with grace, To wait with compassion, to wait with care... I think the world would be a far better place.

I saw an image the other day it said the world is full of kind people if you can't find one, then be one.

And that's true the world is full of people waiting for just the RIGHT moment become a person who lives in every moment.

We can live our lives moment to moment and really enjoy things or we can be so intensely focused on that one thing we are waiting for and miss all the little things.

My time is up,
My peace I give to you,

Monday, August 18, 2014

Disappointment ... whats the opposite?

Yesterday in church I shared about disappointment. The opposite of disappointment is appointment dis means not so disappointment means NOT an appointment, while appointment is when you are scheduled to meat or do something.

Crazily enough we often get so wrapped up in our own anticipation and expectations that we fail to see the appointment that God has for us. There is almost always an appointment when we are disappointed.

If we look for it there will be someone we can encourage, someone we can help someone we can lift up and pray for. So the next time you are disappointed, look for the appointment that God has for you.

As christians we often forget to do this we forget that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord. We forget that we can and should walk in his footsteps.  We need to remember that we live here and in the Kingdom of Heaven. We can and should follow after him with all our hearts mind and souls... He is worth it. and He will calm disappointment and show us the appointments that he has for us.

My time is up
My peace I give to you

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Computer Problems

I wasn't able to do my 5 minute blogger post for the weekend because I had some computer issues. Nothing major, but my power supply died so I had to conserve energy.
That was ok, it just made it difficult to do anything on the internet. Including my five minute blogger post.

Today I was thinking about the lack of power when my power supply died.  My computer, a laptop, kept working. It didn't beep and tell me there was a problem it didn't falter .. till the battery was almost dead. The juice just stopped flowing.
Does this happen to us as people? do we sometimes lose the power in our lives? Does it just sort of disappear when we aren't looking and we dot' notice till all of a sudden our batteries are drained?

We can make sure that we are plugged in every day. Take five minutes each morning and make sure you are plugged in. pray, meditate, look at the birds in the sky and the grass on the ground, remember all the things you have to be thankful for. Do your best to forgive people who have done or said things to or about you. Just plug in. Make sure your power supply doesn't run dry.

We have access to te ultimate power in the universe, God the father, so take time to plug in. say Hi to God each day, listen to what he has to say. Do your best to look for the seeds and plants and guides that God has put out for us to see. We are down sometimes and don't always notice.

If your power is drained then charge up, take a rest and then remember to Praise and Enjoy.

My time is up,
My peace I give to you


Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Trip to the Airport

I'm taking my mother to the airport this morning. The airline says to be there by no later than 6:30 for a 7:30 departure. I'm just not sure why.  I mean the airport here in Greenville is let me correct that it's TINY I could walk the entire length of the building in about 2 minutes... if that.. and I would be going slowly. So even if the checkin took a long time say 15 minutes and security took 15 minutes the plane would still be 30 minutes from departure...
So WHY is it so crucial to get to the airport an hour early or in some places two or three hours early? I wish I knew. I really makes little sense to me!

That said, I'm happy to give my mom a ride and we will even go in and see her off. I refuse to just drop her at the door... it just doesn't seem right! So we will go in and walk with her up to the security checkin, where we can't go further. I doubt we will sit in the lounge and wait an hour or so to watch her plane take off so we will kiss her goodbye at the security gate, and wish her a pleasant journey.

I think she will have good weather for flying and hopefully will have someone engaging to talk with.

Well my time is up.

My peace I give to you


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Take Disappointment with a Spoon Full of Sugar, or Not!

In the old Mary Poppins movies by Disney there is a song entitled, "A spoon full of sugar"  basically saying that a spoon full of sugar makes it easier to take medicine. at that day and age the "medicine" ws usually castor oil (YUCK) or some tonic usually made with Quinine (BITTER) or possibly even Laudanum (which is just watered down poppy seed juice i.e. (opium)) Again YUCK!  So a spoon full of sugar made those medicines (which were of questionable value to the body) easier to swallow.

Did you ever wonder if maybe those things SHOULD taste bad so you DON'T ingest them?

In life we get disappointed... often. We often feel like we are losing out on something that should be ours. We feel like we are being cheated. When this happens consider the medicine... maybe it's better not to have the spoonful of sugar and the medicine all together... Just recover from whatever the problem is.

Real fast, an even worse thing is to be disappointed for someone else!  To be offended on their behalf.. because you really don't know what is happening in their mind... so don't take medicine for someone else either.

My time is up,
My peace I give to you


Monday, August 4, 2014

Stolen from Facebook

I wrote this this morning on Facebook and decided to post it as my five minute blog today:

I do not have a problem with examining the actions of Israel, Gaza, Iran, Syria, Russia, Ukraine, even the USA. I have a problem with making judgements based on partial knowledge, gleaned from people with partial knowledge with no personal experience. I do not have full knowledge of Israel's motifs,(other than those stated) very few do, I do not have full knowledge of Hamas's motifs, (again other than those stated) I can look at the stated motifs and decide which I am more comfortable with.
Is the I.D.F. perfect? Ha! far from it there are bullies and blood thirsty soldiers in every army in the world. However, do they have a right to defend their nation from attack? yes. Is it ok to bomb schools and mosques? no... is it ok to launch hundreds of missiles into civilian populations? No. Before you make statements, consider the people.. the individuals the ones you know. yes, I know Israelis and I know palestinians, Christian and Muslim, and I know Jewish and christian Israelis... consider THOSE people what do you think they are thinking during this time of strife? Where do you think they sleep at night? what do you think they are going through? Do not argue with me about politics. Do not fuss about morals. Do not get on a high horse because of this or that. Consider the children. all of the children. And in considering them pray. pray that peace that passes understanding will flow out to all involved. Pray that the God of heaven will look down and protect the children. God siad he knitted them together in their mothers womb. Pray for their protection. Pray for miracles of peace. Pray that the fruits of the Spirit will be poured out, Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Self Control against such there is NOT law. These fruits can and will stop all conflict. These fruits will solve the problems. These fruits will reach across boundaries and take care of issues that politics will not, that violence can not.

My piece I give to you.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Peace is not equal to happiness

Is peace the same thing as happiness?  I know that you can only be happy if you are at peace, however, you can't always be be happy, when you are at peace.

Peace and happiness are not the same thing.

Being at peace with a decision or a choice doesn't always mean you will be happy. I can have peace with a given decision or choice, but I don't necessarily have to be happy.

Happiness and peacefulness are not the same. Nothing has to be equal nothing has to be the same. peace does not always bring happiness.  It's hard for us to get this point. When you are young you think that peace and happiness are the same. Once you have gone through a little bit of life, you learn that they aren't the same.  You can't be convinced otherwise, you can only learn through living.

Find peace The peace that passes understanding, it is the peace of God. it's not always the peace of happiness, and happiness doesn't always bring peace.

Remember that. Peace is one of the attributes of God. Happiness is not.
Just remember you can have Peace and not be happy, but you can not, truely be happy, without peace.

My time is up.
My peace I give to you


Friday, August 1, 2014

Sometes you gotta do what you gotta do

Post I said to try to do this post by voice, So I'm using Google and talking to my phone and it's typing!

Sometimes you have to do what you gotta do even if you don't want to. We have to do that in  work we have to do things in life we have to do things with people. Sometimes for friends we have to do things. Sometimes for bosses sometimes ourselves. Sometimes you have to go to the doctor. Sometimes you have to eat healthy when you don't want to.

 Sometimes you  would just like to eat a box of cupcakes or box of donuts but in reality you have to do what you have to do. 

Don't complain about it when people complain about stuff they don't have any choice over. They complain about things that have to be done regardless. Yet we still complain about it. 

We think that if we complain and gripe it will make us feel better, somehow. In reality, it just makes everything else feel worse. There's no real good way to complain about something. Complaining doesn't help anything! Just do what you gotta do. 

I'm going to have to do it, and do it again. I'm talking to myself  here too because I know I complain. But the thing is I forget sometimes that we have to do stuff, we just gotta do what we gotta do!

That's what I'm working towards. I don't want to complain. I want to be that guy that people look at it say, "He never complains about anything! What's the deal?"

Just do what you got to do!.

By the way, I'm not doing the voice thing anymore it took me 20 minutes to untangle the 5 minutes of talking that I had...

My time is gone,
My peace I give to you
